Dark Knights: Metal – a Batman Arc So Dark, the Dark Knight Himself is Afraid



Get ready for the Dark Batmen!

One of the biggest Batman stories in the past few years, Dark Knights: Metal, was on display at San Deigo Comic-Con a few weeks ago and safe to say that it is going to be one arc that fans will be talking about for a while.

Writer Scott Snyder, one of the main writers behind the New 52 Reboot, is at the helm of Dark Knights: Metal. In an interview with Polygon, Snyder said that “this is the story of the first detective case that Batman doesn’t want to solve, because the answer is too frightening for even the Dark Knight to want to uncover it.” With a description like that it is easy to see why fans are so excited for Dark Knights: Metal. There is also the case for what the rest of the Justice League will do in Batman’s absence. Snyder said that they would be picking up the slack for Batman and would have to try and remind Batman of his mission.

A few of the Dark Knights: Metal prequels have already made it to stores but the Dark Knights series won’t full kick off until later this year. When it does finally release it will start on the Justice League learning about a Dark Multiverse, an alternate universe in the DCU that is volatile and unexplored. The Dark Multiverse is trying to take over our universe and the Justice League can only stop takeover by using Nth metal, a rare metal in the DCU. In the first wave of invasion, the enemies will feature dark versions of Batman each representing a different time where Batman could have been led astray. You can view six of the enemies below.

Each of the enemies also represent a member of the Justice League. There is one enemy that wasn’t pictured, the leader of the Dark Batmen, the Batman Who Laughs. This Batman is inspired by the Joker, so it will definitely be interesting to see what it looks like when it is fully released. With each of the enemies showing a dark path for Batman, it would make sense why he may not want to engage in a fight that will both psychologically and physically straining.

Dark Knights: Metal is also a series that anyone reader could pick-up and “dig into” according to Snyder as well. So even if you have not kept up on reading the comics or will be new to reading the comics, this arc would be one that you may want to keep an eye out for.

Dark Knights: Metal #1 is set to be released in stores on August 16, 2017.


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