Destiny 2: Shadowkeep – Gamescom Trailer Dropped, Features What Destiny/Bungie Do Best – Hype!

A great battle approaches.


Bungie’s first major self-published DLC launches in a little over a month and a half, and what better way to get people hyped than by releasing a rad trailer and some amazing editing to show off what fans have to look forward to.

You haven’t seen darkness.

Not yet.

The trailer shows a lot of creepy, dark, and ominous threats and backdrops that will make your hair stand up, but the music and the focus on the action is what really got me. Destiny is a franchise that delivers amazing cinematics and trailers, and Bungie is great at getting top-tier talent to do the job. This trailer is no exception.

New and returning exotics join the weapons available to earn, among artifacts, and a variety of additional new loot that we can’t wait to grind for. Come on, Bungie. Release more teasers, we can’t wait until October!

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep launches on October 1.