Concept Art for New ‘Mass Effect’ Released



[dropcap size=small]B[/dropcap]ioWare has released new concept art for the upcoming Mass Effect game. The images were revealed during the N7 Day Livestream event, and show of some gorgeous new landscapes for the anticipated release.

While the game is the fourth installment in the Mass Effect franchise, developers want it to be clear that the new game is not “Mass Effect 4”, but rather something much larger – saying that to call it “Mass Effect 4” would be “…doing it a disservice.” They promise the game will be much larger in scale, and with more diverse worlds and characters. BioWare also revealed that they have brought aboard writer Scott Schlerf, who recently wrote Halo 4.

BioWare has explained that they have been making solid progress on development for the new Mass Effect, but they did not give a definite answer on when fans could expect to see more of the fruits of their labor.

Developers revealed during the livestream that the next Mass Effect will feature new alien races and species. They also explained while the game will cater to a release on PC and next-gen consoles, a release on the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 has not been completely ruled out.




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