Crunchyroll has announced that the globally popular manga Chainsaw Man is becoming an anime and that it will debut on the streaming service later this year in the fall. Based on the story by Tatsuki Fujimoto, the story involves a teenager who has chainsaws for arms.
Take a look at the official teaser trailer below:
Official Synopsis:
Denji is a teenage boy living with a Chainsaw Devil named Pochita. Due to the debt his father left behind, he has been living a rock-bottom life while repaying his debt by harvesting devil corpses with Pochita. One day, Denji is betrayed and killed. As his consciousness fades, he makes a contract with Pochita and gets revived as “Chainsaw Man”–a man with a devil’s heart.
The series ran in Weekly ShĹŤnen Jump from 2018 and wrapped in 2020 before becoming a global sensation with equally widespread popularity. Japanese animation studio MAPPA will be developing the anime adaptation with plans for a release later this year in October.