“He said you’d come,” he says to the unseen person. “Let’s hope it’s not too late.”
[dropcap size=small]Y[/dropcap]ou know, there might actually be hope for this film. Considering Joss Whedon has been employed to take over the editing work while Zack Snyder is away, there is a chance that Justice League could turn out to be an epic film. Will it be on par with Marvel’s films? Probably not. But that isn’t too say the film can’t be good. Check out the trailer below.
At last year’s Comic-Con, director Zack Snyder claimed that Superman would return despite the superhero dying at the hands of Doomsday. Certainly, being impaled through the chest would kill most people, including Superman but this is Superman and this is/was Zack Snyder’s movie so who knows? Another interesting theory is that the reflection in Alfred’s glasses could, in fact, be the Green Lantern.
Another interesting theory is that the reflection in Alfred’s glasses could, in fact, be the Green Lantern. The superhero would be greatly needed in the fight against Darkseid and the reflection in the glasses does look greenish in color. Nonetheless, the trailer is encouraging and we can’t wait to see more.