In an unexpected move, Batman himself shows off one of the threats of an upcoming DCCEU film.
Unfortunately for DC and Warner Bros, the first three films in their Extended Cinematic Universe (DCECU) have received less than favorable reviews from critics, with Suicide Squad having the lowest ratings by far. Although some fans have come to aid the film with their large verbal support, DC and WB are still overwhelmed with the backlash and lack of net gains and weak profit margins from Box Office results (based on projected and expected income forecasts).Â
Because of the above, multiple shifts in creative control has seen Ben Affleck in the role of Executive Producer, as well as a director, star, and writer for upcoming films in the DCECU. Naturally, with great power, comes great responsibility… and also on hell of a reveal. As of 6:58am Ben Affleck has dropped a major reveal bomb on his social media profile, tweeting out your first look at Deathstroke in an unspecified upcoming DC film.Â
— Ben Affleck (@BenAffleck) August 29, 2016
Deathstroke looks remarkably badass, not many can dispute that fact. Even still, some are concerned that this hype move from Affleck may have been a bit too revealing. Much like Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, fans were quite displeased with the trailers spoiling everything from the film, such as the reveal of Doomsday as one of the major adversaries of the Dark Knight and the Man of Steel. Then again, with a film like Justice League, there are bound to be, once again, a plethora of characters that accompany the on-screen ensemble of major heroes from the DC Universe.
Since the tweet from Affleck does not contain any text of any kind, especially regarding who is portraying the character, nor does it acknowledge that Deathstroke is going to be in Justice League specifically (they are currently filming JL in London, but Deathstroke too could be in the upcoming Batman solo film), keep your eyes peeled and check back to often for updates on just who is playing this unique role, and what stance the character has in whichever movie this clip has been taken from.Â
Justice League is slated for a November 17 release in 2017. The film is being directed by Zack Snyder.Â