Batman Will Face Off Against 3 Villains In ‘Suicide Squad’



He probably won’t kill them. Probably.

[dropcap size=small]E[/dropcap]veryone should know by now that Ben Affleck’s Batman will be in the upcoming Suicide Squad movie. But what’s still rumored is his role in the film, as not much has been revealed about it. However, we were able to see some snippets of just what he’ll be doing thanks to the last full trailer that was released, but even still, most of his role has been kept under wraps.

What we do know is that he will be in a few different scenes, with at least 3 different villains. Batman News confirmed that he’ll have a scene with Deadshot (Will Smith), one of Batman’s rivals. He’ll also be in a scene with The Joker (Jared Leto) and Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie), though from the looks of the trailer, the focus is on Harley, instead of Joker. It shows Batman riding on the roof of Joker’s car before it plunges into water, then pulls Quinn to safety. And lastly, Batman News also confirmed that he’ll have a scene in the form of a flashback with Deadshot.

Thankfully, none of this is anything too revealing, considering most of it is in the trailers. There’s still plenty left unsaid, and even more to get excited for.

You can catch Suicide Squad in theaters August 5th! 


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