Batman: Arkham Knight Will Have No Loading Screens



New trailer features a new game mode and new weapons and gadgets for the Batmobile.

[dropcap size=small]W[/dropcap]ith only a few weeks until the release of Batman: Arkham Knight, developer Rocksteady has released one of the most interesting Arkham Insider videos thus far. Arkham Insider is a video series that offers an insight into different aspects of the game. The video included information on the new game mode to Arkham Knight, New Game Plus mode.

Director Sefton Hill explained how it worked.

“When you complete the main story, you’re going to unlock New Game Plus,” he said. “In New Game Plus, you can go in and take all of your XP through, take your gadgets through that you’ve unlocked; which is a big thing, because that means basically you can do some of the challenges from earlier on in the game but with a whole new suite of gadgets you never had the first time or the upgrades. And any Riddler trophies that you’ve found are shared on both playthroughs.”

One of the most frustrating things about the previous Arkham games was that there could be a Riddler trophy early in the game that could not be obtained due to the lack of equipment. But with New Game Plus, these trophies can be obtained with equipment that is found later in the game.

Hill also revealed that Arkham Knight will not have any loading screens, despite it being Rocksteady’s largest game to date.

“No loading screens as you play through the whole game,” Hill said. “You can play from the start of the game to the end of the game and you won’t see any loading screens. That’s all a really big important thing for us.”

The last big announcement in the video showed some of the highly anticipated new weapons and gadgets to be featured in the Batmobile. One of these is an EMP, which allows the player to immobilize other vehicles and redirect incoming missiles. Also included in the Batmobile’s new arsenal is the Drone Virus weapon, which can be deployed to hack into enemies’ drones and reprogram them to help Batman. A new mode for the Batmobile was revealed called the Riddler sequence. In this mode, the player must navigate a maze that is always changing to test their driving ability.

These new announcements only had to the ever-growing hype for Arkham Knight. Only a few more days people, we can do this.

Batman: Arkham Knight will be released on June 23rd for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.


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