Amber Heard’s Role in ‘Aquaman’ and ‘Justice League’ Films May be in Jeopardy



The actress has reportedly lost over 20 lbs due to “overwhelming stress”.

[dropcap size=small]A[/dropcap]ctress Amber Heard (Friday Night LightsThe Danish Girl) could lose her role in DC’s Aquaman and Justice League films due to the significant amount of weight she has lost from the stress of her legal battle with actor Johnny Depp. According to TMZ, the Amber Heard was told by the producers to not show up for her costume fitting because they felt she was not “camera ready”.

Considering Amber Heard could be tied up in court with her legal battles, the actress could understandably drop the role of Mera or Warner Bros. might just cut her altogether. The costume fitting was not cancelled, but rather it was rescheduled for a later date in the future so for now it seems the producers still want her to appear in the film. 

Of course, Justice League Part One is scheduled for a release on November 17th, of 2017 so the actress does have time to put on more weight for what she has lost and settle her legal dispute with Johnny Depp. Amber Heard made her first film debut back in 2004 with the sports drama Friday Night Lights starring Billy Bob Thornton and she impressed viewers and critics alike with her role in the film. Hopefully, Amber Heard will keep her role in the film and bring her acting talent and skills to both of her future DC films.


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In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move.

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