Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 4 Announced with Brief Teaser Trailer

Please don't let this game be a microtransactions shitshow.



After more than 16 years, it is finally happening. A sequel to the widely popular Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3, often hailed as the most popular Dragon Ball Z game to date, is finally in development. Take a look for yourself at the brief reveal and teaser trailer:

At this point, we know very little about the game other than the game exists. The reveal comes from an announcement trailer that was shown at Sunday’s Dragon Ball FighterZ World Tour finals event. The trailer does not show much beyond simply announcing itself but it does show Goku transforming into his Super Saiyan Blue form, meaning the story interwoven in the game can be expected to reach some point in the Dragon Ball Super series.

The trailer, which was posted to Gamers Prey, was teased during the finals event and then given to various YouTube channels to post and spread the word. And spread it did.

Outside of the trailer, we know nothing in regards to release windows or what platforms the game will come on but we would be surprised if it didn’t release on every console out there as well PC, though maybe the Switch being left out as a possibility. Even at the end of the trailer, the game only advertises that it is under development without mentioning who the developer of the game is. Toei Animation and Bandai Namco can be seen, with the latter no doubt operating as the publisher while Toei is in the licensing.

The reveal of the game seemed to be way out of left field as you don’t normally see games of such caliber being announced at such niche gaming events. Regardless, we are very excited about the possibilities of modern hardware being pushed to new levels with a fresh new Dragon Ball Z title, though we do hope that the PS4 and XBO are left out but that isn’t likely as last-gen consoles are far more common in homes these days when compared to PS5 or Xbox X|S.

If we could ask for anything in Budokai Tenkaichi 4, it would be that there would be no microtransactions or any nickel and diming for character unlocks. A reasonable season pass is acceptable but it should come with more than just new styles of characters already unlocked. New cosmetics is one thing but if there is a season pass or a battle pass of sorts, we would hope it comes with more story missions/battles and new destructible maps/arenas. Because, and let’s be real here, if done right, Budokai Tenkaichi 4 could be a major smash-hit. And we hope that is the case.

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Marc is the Editor in Chief for Geek Outpost. If you have an inside scoop you want to share, you can email him at [email protected]. He prefers Crocs for their style over their comfort.

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