Earlier today, confirmation through leaks told us a bunch of information about what we can expect in the upcoming 18th season of Destiny 2. The leaks, which reveal the next returning Raid from Destiny 1, the title of the season, and more, have not been confirmed by Bungie yet so take anything we post here with a grain or two of salt. That said, we are 99.9% sure all this is true.
The news comes from dataminer Josh Hunt who has recently been a central source for many of the leaks as of late. Apparently, Josh Hunt’s datamining techniques include scrubbing website data and finding remnants of planned placeholders where the official reveals are set to go. Usually, spots are reserved for banners, headers, text, and other website assets that have names to coincide with what goes where. Josh scours these locations for data and has turned up quite a doozy this time.
Before we begin, obligatory SPOILER warning but considering you clicked on this link, you probably don’t care all that much.
Season 18: Season of the Plunder.
– Raid: Kings Fall
– Story: Ketchcrash, No Quarter
– Activities: Expedition, Hideouts pic.twitter.com/i0WAwrWald— josh hunt (@joshhunt) August 20, 2022
As you can see from the above Tweet, the 18th season of Destiny 2 will be called Season of the Plunder which has been rumored for days and is said to be Pirate-themed. The returning raid is none other than Kings Fall, from the popular Destiny 1 expansion, The Taken King King. Other details are laid out in his Tweet above but a lot of that stuff isn’t clear on what it entails or consists of.
Players will recall that the Kings Fall raid was one of the longest, most complex, and difficult raids of Destiny 1 which rewarded weapons and armor that looked to be made of flesh and bone.

You can see the full list of Kings Fall raid armor and weapons [here] on Destiny Tracker.
We can’t say with 100% certainty that all this is actually happening but considering the source, we feel confident it is true. And whether or not the original armor sets and weapons, either normal-mode white or hard-mode black, are returning in the same fashion is not guaranteed. But, considering Vault of Glass came to Destiny 2 with the original armors, we feel like this will be the same. That said, a handful of VoG weapons did not return from Destiny 1 (such as the pulse rifle and fusion rifle), and the ones that did return all seemed to get a re-work to match the current perk-pool and ammo economy. So expect Kings Fall to get the same treatment when it arrives.
As of now, all this news is likely being held as closely to Bungie’s chest as humanly possible until their upcoming Showcase Event on August 23rd. And despite all this news coming out early through leaks and cracks of all sorts, we have a feeling that there will be a mountain of other cool stuff that Bungie has in store for Destiny fans.