Destiny 2 is a lot of things– a first-person shooter, an RPG (sort of), and an MMO (sort of), but one thing we didn’t know it could be is an inspiration for cooks, chefs, and bakers from around the globe.
Earlier today, Bungie released their weekly community check-in, the ‘This Week at Bungie’ or “TWAB as its often referred, with details on upcoming quality of life changes, bug fixes, known issues, and events. Only this time, it also included some new additions to the Bungie Store, which included a new anthology book (Grimoire Vol III), and a cookbook that would both be coming in 2020.
This official cookbook is filled with recipes inspired by the characters and locations seen throughout Destiny’s expansive universe.
Eva Levante, friend, confidante, fashion adviser, and unofficial grandaunt of all Guardians, has finally put her collection of recipes together for everyone to enjoy. From the City, the Tower, the Farm, and records Guardians and their Ghosts have retrieved from the Golden Age archives throughout the solar system and beyond, these mouthwatering recipes come with step-by-step instructions and full-color photos to help guide and inspire fans to go on their own culinary adventure.
Perfect for all Hunters, Titans, and Warlocks, Destiny: The Official Cookbook is packed with amazing recipes and stories that celebrate the worlds and characters of Destiny.
For just $34.99 USD, you will get a variety of Destiny-inspired recipes that allows you to make some of the universe’s most iconic meals in your very own home. However, I can’t help but wonder just who this book is for.
Unlike Skyrim, an actual RPG with nearly endless iconic food elements, and an official cookbook to make those foods, Destiny does not have any iconic foods, meals, treats, or anything edible, honestly. Sure, during their holiday events, they mention candy and raisins, but these are just a currency that you turn in to vendors at the Tower social space, no different than tokens or Gunsmith materials. Just… why a cookbook?

Personally, I like the Grimoire Anthology series, owning the first two volumes myself with plans on buying the third, but it is very, very odd that Bungie decided to make a cookbook when there is nothing in the game at all that revolves around food. Let me paint this picture for you– if you were to make any of this Destiny-inspired food for your fireteam or raid buddies during Superbowl Weekend, and if you did not tell them that these were made from a Destiny cookbook, they would not be able to tell what any of it was from (unless it was a cookie shaped like Mida Multi-Tool).
I am not exactly sure just who the demographic is for this cookbook, and despite being a Destiny fan, I once again find myself just wondering why Bungie is investing into resources like this when they complain about how hard it is to develop Strike-specific loot, even though this was something we saw in the first game.