Civil War is Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man 4



Downey Jr. talks going up against Captain America and his future as an Avenger.

When Captain America: Civil War drops in April, Robert Downey Jr. will have been in over half the movies in Marvel’s Cinematic Universe. Making his seventh appearance in the studio’s 13th film, Downey Jr. isn’t playing the same Tony Stark as he was in 2008, when he helped launch the MCU with Iron Man.

Stark is going up against his friend and team-mate Steve Rogers in Civil War, but Downey Jr. insists that the film won’t follow the comics and turn him fully to the dark side (I know, wrong Disney franchise):

‘If we’re going to go there, then we’ve got to save it for my swan song. I would still like to keep a general audience and mildly be in their favour somehow.’


As for his swan song, Downey Jr. is slated to appear in the two-part Thanos-fest that will be the Avengers’ Infinity War, so we don’t expect Civil War to be the last we see of Tony Stark.

However, it might be the last we see of the genius billionaire playboy philanthropist for a good while. Downey Jr. doesn’t think there will be room for an Iron Man 4 as Marvel focuses its efforts on developing other superheroes, reimagining others and just general world domination, and so in true Tony Stark fashion, he is looking at Civil War as more his fourth movie than Cap’s third.

‘In a way it’s Cap 3 but for me it’s like my little Iron Man 4, and then it’s back to the thing we all recognise. Everything pulls over to the side of the road when the thunder of an Avengers thing comes through because that’s how it is until it changes. If it changes.’

Nope, we’re fine with the way things are thanks, Robert.

Captain America: Civil War hits US theatres on May 6th.

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