The 10th Doctor welcomes the 13th Doctor with open arms.
[dropcap size=small]T[/dropcap]he overall reaction in regards to the announcement of Broadchurch‘s Jodie Whittaker stepping into the role as the 13th Doctor has been overwhelmingly positive. However, there are some fans of the show who have had their disagreements with the news. Nonetheless, David Tennant, who also spent three years on Doctor Who has the 10th Doctor and has worked closely with Jodie Whittaker on Broadchurch for three seasons, has expressed his support saying, “I can’t think of someone better to join the gang and be poised to take it to a whole new level. It’s great.”
“Whenever the Doctor changes there’s a backlash because that’s a character that people love, so people get very affectionate about the Doctor they knew. Who’s the weasley looking guy? Who’s this? I like the last guy. This is not gonna work for me. This show is dead to me. I resign from the Internet.”
As David Tennant explained the backlash that Jodie Whittaker is facing isn’t just from sexist jerks (and there are several of those who are upset with the news) it’s from fans who love the show with a great passion. Ask any Whovian and they will tell you who their favorite Doctor is and the sadness they experienced when he departed to be replaced with someone new. Everyone has faced the backlash before, but Jodie Whittaker is facing a greater amount only because she is a woman and that is just ridiculous. As David Tennant pointed out, she’s going to be great. Just you wait.
Jodie Whittaker debuts in her role as the 13th Doctor when Doctor Who returns for its Christmas Special this year.