Yooka-Laylee Will Be Available for Nintendo Switch on December 14th



The current platforms for Yooka-Laylee will finally become full circle!

With PS4, PC and Xbox One already getting releases for Yooka-Laylee, many fans were wondering if the Nintendo Switch would get one. The answer is yes and it is coming right before the holidays on December 14th!

The Wii U version of the game had a lot of problems with it and was scrapped before release by Playtonic, due to technical difficulties. Those who had originally purchased the Wii U version were able to transfer their purchase to a different platform.  

“We believe we’re delivering a version Nintendo fans can be proud of,” the developer writes. “You can be the judge of that yourself, and see if Playtonic scrapping the Wii U version was worthwhile, in a few short weeks.

3D-platforming has been an early favorite on the Nintendo Switch and Yooka-Laylee could be an early favorite for the system. Playtonic promised that players would have the single-Joycon option on all eight multi-player modes that are available on the Nintendo Switch. 

This game was meant to be a futuristic version of Banjo and Kazooie, one of the best games ever made for the Nintendo 64. This is one of the big changes that Playtonic is hoping will turn Yooka-Laylee‘s fortunes around.

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