Will Smith Designed Deadshot For ‘Suicide Squad’



Deadshot’s “dubious morals” is one of the reasons why he signed up for Suicide Squad!

[dropcap size=small]T[/dropcap]he last time we saw Will Smith play a superhero, it was in Hancock, which was made way back in 2008. Although I don’t know if you can exactly call him a “superhero” in this movie, he will make his return to a hero role as Floyd Lawson (aka Deadshot) in Suicide Squad

In an interview with Comingsoon.net, Smith promoted the idea that he would be able to add to his character (Deadshot) in Suicide Squad

It’s a character that hasn’t really been explored in cinema. I get to design it and be a part of creating the first round of Deadshot in the history of cinema.

The character has been cast twice before Smith took the role for Suicide Squad. Bradley Stryer played him in Smallville, while Michael Rowe starred as Deadshot in Arrow. Of course, these are only the live-action appearances that Deadshot has made. He has also made his presence in anime shows. But this will be Deadshot’s debut in a live-action movie, which is why it will be a bigger deal than any of the other roles. 

To increase interest in Deadshot’s character, DC got Smith to play as him (it’s pretty hard to say you don’t know who Will Smith is at this point of his illustrious career.) There’s so much background for Deadshot, I don’t think he would be a character that will die in Suicide Squad, especially if this movie gives us an ending where there would have to be a sequel. Deadshot has history with Batman, so potentially getting an appearance in Ben Affeck’s Batman movie in 2018 isn’t such a bad thought either. Whether he would be the main villain or just featured in Batman is another question for another day.

Suicide Squad won’t be released until August 5! Let us know what you think of a potentially heavy-weight match between Batman and Deadshot!


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