
Game Enthusiast. TV Binge Watcher.

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Amazon’s The Boys Teases Major Supernatural Reunion in Final Season

Jared Padalecki and Misha Collins join Jim Beaver, JD Morgan, and Jensen Ackles in the upcoming fifth and final season of Amazon's hit series The Boys.

Rita’s Rewind Getting Major Update – Upgradeable Stats, Gameplay Modifiers, & More

After a lukewarm reception at launch, Digital Eclipse is hard at work doing everything they can to improve things.

Rumor: Classic Pokemon Collection, Gens 1-3, May Be Coming to Switch

We have long since dreamt of the classics coming to Switch. But is there any merit to these rumors or is it just more BS?


Fan-Made Pokemon Prism Project has been Cancelled

An 8-year development comes to an end. Check out the details here! According to a post on social media by the creator, Pokemon Prism has been cancelled...

At age 60, Carrie Fisher Passes Away

May the Force be with her, always! Earlier today, actress Carrie Fisher died this morning from a heart attack she suffered late last week while...

Saved By the Bell May Be Getting a Reboot/Sequel Series

A reboot of this series would be interesting twist in this generation! While most reboots that we have seen have come in the form of...

Goosebumps Director to Take on Detective Pikachu Film

With a director now in hand, who will voice Detective Pikachu? Earlier this year, Legendary Entertainment announced that a live-action Detective Pikachu movie will be...

Wedding Crashers Sequel is Happening, Script Finished

11 years after the montage of weddings Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn crashed, New Line confirmed that another movie is in the making! If there's...

Campaign Co-Op Has Been Removed from Dead Rising 4

Gameplay producer David McAnerin says they want to "focus on telling Frank's story" and that they are "excited to bring him back! Earlier this week,...

Star Wars Rogue One 360 Degree Trailer Puts You in the Pilot Seat

Watch this video as you fly through space as a pilot for the Rebellion against the Empire! With Rogue One: A Star Wars Story set to be...

Classic SEGA Genesis is Coming Back, In a Manner of Speaking

From Sonic the Hedgehog to Golden Axe, this classic console will have some classics coming with it! With Nintendo coming out with the mini NES,...

Deathstroke Actor Talks ‘The Batman’ and Affleck’s Take on the DC Hero

After an amazing Batman trilogy from Christopher Nolan and Christian Bale, Ben Affleck will try and put his own stamp on The Dark Knight! In...

Generation 2 Pokemon are Being Found in Pokemon GO

Tododile? Cindaquil? Chikorita? The next generation has made it's way in time for the holidays! Everyone that has played Pokemon GO since it came out...

Mel Gibson’s ‘Passion of the Christ 2’ Gets Titled ‘Resurrection’

Mel Gibson revealed the title on the Stephen Colbert's Late Show last Tuesday! When announcing that Passion of the Christ will be getting a sequel movie, Mel...

Marvel’s Spider-Man: Homecoming’ to Get Tie-in Prelude Comic

The pre-lude comic release will be weeks before the release of Spider-Man: Homecoming! With the release of Doctor Strange this weekend, we look to what other movies will...

Sora is Coming to the ‘World of Final Fantasy’ this Winter

One more reason to stay inside from the snow? Yes, it is! If World of Final Fantasy's release wasn't exciting enough, Square Enix announced that Sora will be...

Doctor Strange will Reunite The Avengers in Infinity War Films

The aftermath of Civil War will not keep the Avengers apart! After the aftermath of Civil War, the Avengers look to be torn apart, but not exactly...

Batman TV Star Adam West wants to Cameo in Affleck’s “The Batman”

Two Batmans in one movie? Probably not, but one can dream! Of all of the actors that have played the role of Batman, the actor...

Check Out the Watch Dogs 2 – Zodiac Killer Mission – Pre-Order Trailer

Ubisoft looks to build off of the success of Watch Dogs with the Zodiac Killer! Watch Dogs 2 is set to release next month, but before...

Two New Zelda: Breath of The Wild Trailers Will Take Your Breath Away

Perfect combo from Nintendo after seeing the Nintendo NX! Since the release of Ocarina of Time for the Nintendo 64, The Legend of Zelda series...

The Walking Dead Renewed For 8th Season By AMC

More zombies to kill in the future! Sounds like a no-brainer to me! AMC has successfully ordered another season of The Walking Dead. The season will...

Disney Assures Mulan Live-Action Film Will Be All Asian Cast

From how the animated-version looked, this makes sense! With the announcement of Mulan becoming a live-action movie comes controversy that the movie might not be...

Director Ang Lee Offered to Direct Disney’s Mulan, Turns it Down

The search for the live-action movie director begins with a speed bump! Last month, Sony announced that they will be developing a live-action movie of...