"The new supernatural historical fantasy series Sword of the Demon Hunter: Kijin Gentosho will launch the upcoming simulcast season on the anime streaming service."
Jared Padalecki and Misha Collins join Jim Beaver, JD Morgan, and Jensen Ackles in the upcoming fifth and final season of Amazon's hit series The Boys.
Are the third movies in trilogies always the worst?
Bryan Singer's much-anticipated third installment in the series has undoubtedly sealed his fate as the quintessential...
Watch Shia Labeouf hitch-hike across Colorado!
Shia LaBeouf has taken up an new project that involves him hitch-hiking across the country with strangers called #takemeanywhere....
Can you really picture Mad Max as a Norse god?
Controversial actor/director Mel Gibson recently sat down with The Guardian for an interview while promoting his new movie Blood Father,...
This week at the Trailer Park, we have an assassin, another lost fish, and a Disney classic!
Assassin's Creed
Callum Lynch explores the memories of his...
This is as close as we can get to an Uncharted movie right now.
During a press tour for Nicholas Cage's new movie The Trust, Entertainment Weekly was able...
"I want to depict something that follows the original work as closely as possible."
If you didn't already know, the much anticipated Full Metal Alchemist will make...
He probably won't kill them. Probably.
Everyone should know by now that Ben Affleck's Batman will be in the upcoming Suicide Squad movie. But what's still...