Tag: Star Wars

‘Knights of the Fallen Empire’ Gameplay Trailer is Here

The largest expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic finally has its first gameplay trailer. The gameplay trailer for Star Wars Battlefront's Fighter Squadron wasn't EA's only...

The New Fighter Squadron for ‘Star Wars Battlefront’ is Revealed

EA and DICE announced Fighter Squadron, the latest multiplayer game mode for Star Wars Battlefront at this year's Gamescom. A new trailer for Star Wars Battlefront debuted...

Darth Vader’s Voice Malfunctions, Reverts to Child Anakin’s Voice

YouTuber Matt Deicke has done something magical; he has cut little Anakin's voice (Jake Lloyd in Episode 1) and dubbed it over Darth Vader's...

Netflix Plans To Create Live-Action TV Show For Star Wars!

There are talks of having up to 3 different live-action Star Wars shows! Since Netflix started producing original content for those to stream, they have...

A Short Update on Everything Star Wars Related

Simon Pegg is making a cameo in The Force Awakens, there are three live-action Star Wars shows to be released on Netflix and more! Are three...

Michael Jackson Wanted to Play Jar Jar Binks

According to Ahmed Best, the King of Pop approached George Lucas about playing the role of Jar Jar Binks in Star Wars Episode 1: The...
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