Respawn long ago made a commitment to fans of its debut game Titanfall to keep content and updates rolling out on a regular basis. Clearly, they weren’t kidding.
Respawn unveiled the June update for Titanfall at E3 today and it marks the debut of a few oft-requested features; two new game modes along with a handful of new customization options.
“Wingman” is the first of the two new game modes. At this point we’ve all probably played the 6v6 Last Titan Standing, wherein each player spawns in a Titan with points going to the team with the sole surviving Titan at the end of the match. Wingman takes this game mode and strips it down to 2v2, sure to be a much quicker and skill focused tag team match.
The other new mode is “Marked For Death,” a 6v6 match where one player on each team is marked as “it.” Points are awarded for killing the chosen player on the other team, at which point a new player rotates in to the hot seat. This looks to be the more interesting of the two as it takes a stalwart like Capture the Flag and injects it with adrenaline, making the flag less of a flag and more of a live human being you have to find and kill.
Alongside the new game modes the June update will feature for the first time Burn Cards and customization for your Titan. Burn Cards will give your Titan one-spawn use amped weapons and abilities and customizations will be retroactive, meaning if you’ve already met the requirements for an unlock at the time of the update those items will be available for you immediately.
The update will also feature new art and music for the lobby, improved matchmaking, and alerts when a new player enters the game.
No date has been announced for this month’s update. Titanfall is currently available on Xbox One, PC, and the Xbox 360.