The Walking Dead Introduces New Characters



Merritt Wever one of three new additions to be revealed in stills from season 6.

[dropcap size=small]S[/dropcap]eason 6 of The Walking Dead doesn’t kick off until October, but thanks to the good folks over at Entertainment Weekly, we have been introduced to some of the new faces ahead of time. Merritt Wever, Ethan Embry and Corey Hawkins were already confirmed to appear in the new season, but now we have an idea of who they will play, along with images of their characters in action.


Merritt Wever, best known for her Emmy award-winning performances as Zoe Barkow on Nurse Jackie, is making the transition from nurse to doctor in the upcoming season. She will play Dr. Denise Cloyd, a character fans of The Walking Dead comic will know well. The TV version of the character may differ slightly, but Cloyd establishes herself as an important character in the comic, following an injury to one of the lead characters…


Ethan Embry will play Carter, who will serve as a combination of several of the comic book characters. We got our first look at Embry, last seen in Netflix’s Grace and Frankie, as Carter in the season 6 Comic-Con trailer, where he seems to think Rick is at fault for all the violence that has hit Alexandria, and is intent on turning the town against him. Probably not his best idea.


Straight Outta Compton and into Alexandria, Corey Hawkins will play Heath, a supply-runner in the comic, and a love interest to Dr. Cloyd (though again, things may pan out differently in the show).

The Walking Dead returns to AMC on October 11th.

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