‘The Entropy Centre’, a Portal-Esque Like Puzzle Game, Gets a Release Date

Think in reverse. Outsmart the impossible.



Portal is one of those rare games that will always stay with us as one of the greatest games we have ever played. And any time there is a game that follows in its footsteps by following any portion of its recognizable formula, we immediately stand at attention and try it when it comes out. Enter The Entropy Centre.

The Entropy Centre is a mind-bending puzzle adventure where you reverse objects through time to overcome seemingly impossible obstacles and conundrums. Manipulate time to your will and solve ingeniously challenging puzzle rooms, each one taking you closer to the heart of a colossal space station in orbit of Earth.

If you are able to watch the trailer above, you will have immediately noticed a handful of similarities between Portal and TEC. Visuals, tone, atmosphere, chatty AI, and a unique gun that interacts with the environment are all variables in Portal’s formula but in The Entropy Centre, there are some clear and present differences that make it stand out.

First, you will have noticed that the AI is friendly, unlike Portal’s GLaDOS, and it comes with you by being a part of your gun. However, it appears as though the AI can embody other utilities around the facility you are in. But the AI in your gun isn’t the only thing that makes your weapon unique as it appears to have the ability to alter time by rewinding the state of an object to a past version of itself in order to solve puzzles.

Coming November 3rd for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, The Entropy Centre immediately went on our Wishlist on Steam. And we can’t wait to dive right in.

The Entropy Centre also has a demo available on Steam if you are interested in trying it out before it releases.

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Marc is the Editor in Chief for Geek Outpost. If you have an inside scoop you want to share, you can email him at [email protected]. He prefers Crocs for their style over their comfort.

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