Terminator Sequel Removed From Paramount Release Schedule



After last year’s reboot failed to put up numbers, the sequel has been terminated!

[dropcap size=small]A[/dropcap]fter last year’s underwhelming numbers of Terminator: Genisys, Paramount decided to drop the sequel. 

Terminator: Genisys was going to be the first movie in a new trilogy for the Terminator franchise, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Emilia Clarke and Jai Courtney. Terminator: Genisys debuted last summer and it did not do well in the box office, which led to reviews that all but proved how disappointing it was (See Peter Bradshaw’s here.)

But it made just enough money (including $350 million outside the US) to put a sequel up for discussion. Instead of the sequel, it has been replaced by Dwayne Johnson’s Baywatch. 

Paramount even slotted Terminator 3 for June 2018, thinking that this would be a trilogy. James Cameron, creator of the Terminator franchise, would’ve had the North American rights to the franchise in 2019 when the trilogy would’ve been complete. Paramount will revert their franchise efforts on continuing Star Trek, Mission Impossible and Transformers. 

The studio also hopes that their version of Baywatch will appeal to younger audiences that have not seen the movie by bringing in Zac Efron to co-starring with Johnson. 

“We’re going to make it badass, but we still want to pay homage to the original show, so it’s really a careful combination,” Efron said to MTV last year. “We’re going to beat up some dudes, and swim a lot.”

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