Last night, ABC aired a Marvel special entitled 75 Years, From Pulp to Pop! Marvel has recently been known to mix in teasers of their upcoming films during their TV spots and last night was no different. In keeping with the trend, audiences that tuned in were treated to the first public footage from next summer’s Ant-Man along with a few more shots from Avengers: Age of Ultron.
Here is the sneak peek for those of you that might have missed it.
It’s all just behind the scenes footage, but we do get a chance to see Paul Rudd as Scott Lang (better known as Ant-Man) and Michael Douglas as his mentor Hank Pym hanging out in the lab together. We also get to see a shot of Rudd marveling (pun intended) at the Ant-Man suit. Considering it has the power to make its wearer shrink down to the size of an ant, we’d be gazing at it like that too.Â
Hopefully this little sneak peek means that we’ll be seeing a full trailer soon, but bearing in mind that the film doesn’t come out until next year, that might just be wishful thinking.
Ant-Man stars Paul Rudd, Michael Douglas, Evangeline Lilly, Hayley Atwell, Judy Greer, and Michael Peña. Written by Gabriel Ferrari, Andrew Barrer, and Adam McKay. Directed by Payton Reed. In theaters July 17.