Star Wars: The Force Awakens New Trailer Released!



A new Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer was released during tonight’s Monday Night Football halftime show!

On May 25th, 1977  the Sci-Fi/Fantasy world was changed forever with the release of one of the most influential movies of all time. This was the day George Lucas started one of the greatest trilogies of all time. Star Wars: A New Hope marked the beginning of a Star Wars franchise that is now with us to this day nearly 40 years later. While the prequel films 1-3 were somewhat of a letdown, the sequel films that are just around the corner have no shortage of fan base.

On December 18th, Star Wars: The Force Awakens will reopen the film franchise in what is said to be the beginning of a multitude of Star Wars films that Disney has agreed to work on with Lucasfilms. A number of trailers, rumors, and fan-made predictions have been made on what to expect in the upcoming films, but I know that regardless of how the public takes it, these movies will definitely mark the rebirth of the Star Wars stories.

A number of teasers and trailers have been released since early this year, but with the release date less than two months away, the pre-movie hype is starting to reach its peak. A poster was released on Sunday which already has fans in a frenzy on what characters will be in the movie and what plot twists will ensue. Shortly after the release of the poster, an announcement of a movie trailer and ticket sales were made. During the halftime show of tonight’s Monday Night Football matchup between the Philadelphia Eagles and the New York Giants yet another trailer was released for the film. Not only was there the debut of the trailer, but ticket sales have begun in specific theaters for the premiere of the film. I’m sure as you read this, the movie is already in the beginning stages of breaking records. The trailer is below shown during halftime is below:

The trailer looked pretty crazy with a lot of intense battle scenes featuring the same X-wings and Tie Fighters, Storm Troopers and Jedis, with some appearances on what looks to be Tattooine, a new Death Star, and some new planets. Han Solo looks to be working together with Finn and Rey who are set to debut in this film. Kylo Ren makes another great appearance where he is looking down at a damaged Darth Vader mask where he claims to “finish what you(Darth Vader) started”. There were a lot of loose ends in the trailer with a lot of battle scenes, but I know I am not alone when I say that I am definitely a lot more anxious to see what the film has in store.

Being a Star Wars Geek, I may be a bit biased on this, but I felt like a giddy little nerdy five year old watching tonight’s trailer. I feel the same excitement that I did as a kid when I watched each of the movies and despite having night class tonight, I managed to run out to the local theater to try and get tickets. I was almost in tears when I found out that my theater would not be selling any tickets just yet. Needless to say, I will be diligently searching for a midnight showing to attend. However, Fandango sites have already reported to have crashed due to fans trying to log onto the site. Mark your calendars people because December 18th should be a very interesting day for Star Wars fans across the globe.

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