Here is how you can become a Super Saiyan 3 in Dragon Ball XenoVerse 2



It’s time to go beyond a Super Saiyan 2!

The sequel to the popular Dragon Ball XenoVerse 2 title has been out for two weeks or so now, and gamers are having a great time leveling up and customizing their favorite races and classes from the acclaimed manga and anime series. 

In case you have been living under a rock since well before the game’s launch, you should be aware that XenoVerse 2 allows your custom Saiyan characters to power up to a Super Saiyan 3. You can watch the video below to see the full questline in action, or you can check out the step-by-step guide further down. 



  • The first thing you have to do is likely the most difficult part, and that is getting your custom Saiyan character (male or female) to Level 40. Once you have done that, and we should not have to say this, but make sure it is the Saiyan class character, you are going to want to head on over to Capsule Corp and talk to Vegeta. 
  • Vegeta can be found to the left of the Capsule Corp entrance on spawn, and will have a green question mark above his head. If he doesn’t, you may have already initiated part of the quest, or you might not meet the level 40 requirements. 
  • Once you have spoken to Vegeta (for the first time) he will challenge you to a fight at Dende’s Lookout, where he will be in his base form (not as a Super Saiyan). Beat him there, and talk to him once more back at Capsule Corp. 
  • After beating Vegeta in his non-Super form, he will challenge you to another fight, this time in the city, where he will be a bit more difficult to defeat (but still easy) as he will be in his Super Saiyan form. Once you beat him there, he will suggest you talk to Bulma and Kid Trunks (who are on the right side of the Capsule Corp entrance on spawn, opposite of Vegeta’s location). 
  • Chatting with Bulma first, though it doesn’t matter whom you chat with first (Kid Trunks or Bulma), she will tell you have Vegeta transformed for the first time. Next, talk to Kid Trunks (if you have not already), and he will just make fun of you a bit for being a Saiyan who can’t transform before sending you back to Vegeta. 
  • Once you have talked to Bulma and Kid Trunks, Vegeta will challenge you a third time. Only this fight will include himself and Goku, both of whom will be Super Saiyans waiting to fight you at the Saiyan Spacepod landing location. Beat them into submission, and get ready for the toughest fight yet (but still easy). Goku will power up to a Super Saiyan 3, and Vegeta will pick himself up and transform into a more powerful version of his Super Saiyan form. 

NOTE: You will be prompted during this battle to transform into a Super Saiyan, whereas you can use this form against Vegeta and Goku. And here is the best part: if you have 4 bars of Ki energy (which you should, if you have put a reasonable amount of Attribute Points into Ki), then you will be able to transform into a Super Saiyan 2. If you have 5 or more, you will be prompted to make a transformation into a Super Saiyan 3, which will give you a major advantage in this fight. 

  • After Goku and Vegeta have been defeated, you will return back to Capsule Corp with the Super Saiyan upgrade. Be sure to add this transformation into your available moves, particularly into your Awoken skills (as it wont be automatically added for you).

Now you can transform into a Super Saiyan 2 (with 4 Ki bars) or a Super Saiyan 3 (with 5 or more Ki bars) the moment you have that energy at your disposal in your next battle!


Dragon Ball XenoVerse 2 is available now for PC (Steam), XBox One, and PS4. The game is developed by DIMPS and published by Bandai-Namco

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Marc is the Editor in Chief for Geek Outpost. If you have an inside scoop you want to share, you can email him at [email protected]. He prefers Crocs for their style over their comfort.

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