South Park: The Fractured But Whole Season Pass to Include Casa Bonita, Danger Deck



The anticipated sequel gets more details on iconic locations from the series which include Timmy’s Danger Deck, Casa Bonita, and more!



After some setbacks and delays, Tuesday, South Park: The Fractured But Whole finally releases for PC and major consoles. 

Players who the season pass will receive a costume and perks pack, “Relics of Zaron”, and those without it will be able to pick it up for $5 USD on release day. Additionally, season pass holders also get the “Towelie: Your Gaming Bud” assistant, which adds a unique tip-provider in the form of everyone’s favorite towel. Those without a Season Pass can get Towelie as a tip-giving pal beginning on October 24th for $2 USD. 

All of the above is part of the first DLC pack, whereas DLC 2 includes a team-up with Mysterion and The Coon where players are challenged to defeat a threat at Casa Bonita involving the Vamp Kids and Goth Kids to some capacity. “From Dusk till Casa Bonita” will be available fro $12 USD in 2018 for non-pass holders. 

Finally, an additional “Bring the Crunch” add-on introduces a new superhero class as well as a new story. Bring the Crunch will be available in 2018 for $12 USD. 




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Marc is the Editor in Chief for Geek Outpost. If you have an inside scoop you want to share, you can email him at [email protected]. He prefers Crocs for their style over their comfort.

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