Dave Erickson sat down with TVLine and talked about the much anticipated prequel/spinoff of AMC’s The Walking Dead.
[dropcap size=small]A[/dropcap]MC has not released a date for when the spinoff of The Walking Dead will air, but we do know it won’t be until after the this summer. TVLine spoke with show-runner Dave Erickson and was able to get the writer/creator to open up and talk about the upcoming show.
When Erickson was asked what is the spinoff’s basic premise was he replied,
“We’re covering the period of time when Rick was in his coma, so we’re getting to see things go sideways in a way that he did not. And we’re telling our story through the filter of this highly dysfunctional blended family. It’s about the shark you don’t see. It’s the education of our characters as to what is going on and how the world is unraveling and what is happening to people.”
Erickson went on to explain the difference between the original show and this new prequel. He says “We don’t go, for lack of a better term, full-zombie,” it’s going to be a slow burn to the story, and will most likely not see any full-blown zombies until later in the show.
With the walkers being more fresh, it seems to it would be more emotional to kill them. They are still somewhat human and the act of killing someone, zombie or not, could be extremely cataclysmic to ones psyche, and that is one of the things the show will touch on.
Many people are wondering if the Fear The Walking Dead show will have any crossovers with any of The Walking Dead cast, and Dave Erickson has neither confirmed or denied that this will happen.
“Never say never, but there are no plans right now. The geography is an obstacle, and frankly somewhere down the road it will become an even greater obstacle.”
The six episodes were written as a six-hour movie and that how the creators want it to feel. They will be “building to a place of emotional fracture for our characters” says Erickson. He goes on to answer questions about what he thinks about the title of the show,
“It was important to maintain elements of the original title and have that connection. And we didn’t want to do The Walking Dead: Los Angeles. I think it’s a solid, straight-up title. I also think Fear will become the shorthand.”
No releases date has been announced as of yet for AMC’s Fear The Walking Dead, but look for it this fall on AMC.