Shadow of the Colossus Film gets New Director



[dropcap size=small]F[/dropcap]ans of the popular PS2 game, Shadow of the Colossus were completely stoked when they found out the film was getting the big-screen treatment. Upon receiving the then director Josh Trank (Chronicle), fans felt as if this was a reasonable move. But it seems Josh Trank has been replaced by Andrés Muschietti, likely so that Trank can focus on 20th Century Fox’s upcoming Fantastic Four reboot. 

Andrés Muschietti doesn't have much in the way of a lengthy résumé having only directed the 2013 suspense and horror film Mama, which was based on a 2008 short film of the same name which Muschietti also directed. 
Andrés Muschietti doesn’t have much in the way of a lengthy résumé having only directed the 2013 suspense and horror film Mama, which was based on a 2008 short film of the same name which Muschietti also directed.

Having sold just over 2.7 million copies for the PS2 since its release in 2005, Shadow of the Colossus has a very large fan base, so hopefully we can expect great things from Muschietti. Having played, beaten, sold, and repurchased SotC to GameStop several times over the years, it has earned its spot on my personal top ten list of all time favorite games. It really is a lot of fun, and fans of the original can enjoy its remake for PS3 now with a port to PS4 coming later via PSN and PS Plus subscriptions. 

No casting announcements has been made, but a screenplay has been underway for some time. The release date is TBA.


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Marc is the Editor in Chief for Geek Outpost. If you have an inside scoop you want to share, you can email him at [email protected]. He prefers Crocs for their style over their comfort.

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