Screenshots Coming Soon to Xbox One



[dropcap size=small]A[/dropcap]fter promising over six months ago that Xbox One users will be able to take screenshots of their gameplay, Head of Xbox Phil Spencer announced that the functionality will become available in the next few months.

PlayStation 4 users have had the ability to take screenshots of their gaming experience and share them with other users since the console’s launch in October 2013, so Xbox’s addition of what seems to be a fairly simple process is long overdue; however, in May of last year, Spencer explained its unavailability due to screenshots being “a little more technically challenging” than previously expected.

gta v screenshot
Because why should you only be able to screenshot blowing up a motel on PS4?

Spencer slightly narrowed down the timeframe when discussing the functionality on the Xbox Wire:

“Screenshots are coming early this year. I know it has been a question for quite a while. We delivered themes, and I think a natural add-on to themes are screenshots. Giving people more ability to share their great gaming moments on the platform–whether it’s just as a screenshot, as their background, or through many of the different social networks that we allow people to share their content through is a long-term commitment that we have.”

In all reality, Microsoft is losing credibility considering the gaming giant has yet to release a functionality as simple as screenshots for an advanced console that has been in the market for over 20 months now. While the lack of screenshots is certainly not affecting users’ decisions to purchase the Xbox One as more than 10 millions units have shipped, it’s merely an annoyance for loyal gamers who want a seamless gaming experience that they can share with their peers.

How much longer do you think before Xbox users will be able to take screenshots of their momentous gaming moments? Tell us in the comments!


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