With the help of the Make-A-Wish foundation, Ryan Renolds brought a very special guest to the set of the upcoming Deadpool movie.
[dropcap size=small]W[/dropcap]hen Deadpool comes to mind, you may not think of the most kid friendly of superheroes. The Merc with a Mouth is violent, unstable mercenary and a lot of the time talks about fairly adult subjects. But none of these things mattered to Tony Acevedo. Tony is a young boy battling Hodgkin’s disease who, with the help of the Make-A-Wish foundation, got to visit the set of his favorite superhero.
Reynolds posted this picture on his Instagram with the caption: “Tony Acevedo asked Make A Wish Foundation if he could meet Deadpool. I wasn’t expecting him to sneak the mask, put on the gloves, smile … and then beat Deadpool about the face, arms and jugular with blazing speed. Tony’s next fight is with Hodgkin’s Disease. Hodgkin’s Disease best be wearing its brown pants. Huge thanks to @makeawishamerica.”
When asked why Tony chose to visit the set of Deadpool, he replied “Deadpool never dies and everything he touches has magical powers.”
Although this post did not reveal anything about the movie, it gives you a nice warm fuzzy feeling inside.
You can see Ryan Reynolds original Instagram post here.
Deadpool is set to hit theaters on February 12th, 2016.