Rise of the Tomb Raider to Be an Xbox Exclusive



Tomb-Raider-2013-New-785x441In the hustle an bustle of Gamescom, one of the major announcements regarded the sequel to the critically acclaimed and wildly popular Tomb Raider reboot. It was announced that the sequel, titled “Rise of the Tomb Raider”, will be exclusive to Xbox One and Xbox 360. This comes as a surprise to the gaming community, considering Tomb Raider’s long-standing affiliation with Sony and Playstation. In a recent interview, Phil Spencer of Xbox stated that Tomb Raider’s exclusivity on Xbox is for a limited time and that there are no plans in place to make it a permanent partnership. Rise of the Tomb Raider is still in early stages of development and is slated for a holiday 2015 release. Leave a comment on what you think of this new move for the Tomb Raider franchise, and we’ll keep you updated on any developments.


Check out the announcement trailer for Rise of the Tomb Raider below:


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