Report: Google to Buy Twitch for $1 Billion



Cue the Dr. Evil references. Rumors that Google was planning to buy Twitch have been around since earlier this year, although they seemed to be preliminary. Variety and The Wall Street Journal both had sources stating the two companies were in talks, yet very early ones. Now, VentureBeat has sources confirming the purchase stating it’s only a matter of time before it’s announced.

Xbox One broadcasting on Twitch. Image source: Engadget
Xbox One broadcasting on Twitch. Image source: Engadget

With Youtube slowly but surely upping their game in the live streaming realm, adding Twitch seems like a no-brainer. Twitch has 45 million users and counting, which will surely benefit from the massive infrastructure to be found in Mountain View. The services will surely expand as well with the backing of Google. We reported a few weeks ago that Twitch was experiencing resource issues with the development of streaming with handheld gaming devices and mobile devices, an issue that would surely be resolvable with Google. We’ll surely have more information as it becomes available.

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