PS4-Exclusive Spider-Man Game will release in 2017, says Marvel Exec



No release date has been announced for the game yet, but E3 should provide us with an update on the game!

[dropcap size=small]L[/dropcap]ast week, a Marvel executive hinted at a PS4-exclusive Spider-Man game coming this year. A video posted on Neogaf, a gaming message board, showed  Marvel Digital Media vice president Ryan Penagos mentioning the Spider-Man game will be out in 2017.

“There’s even more on the horizon for 2017, like Spider-Man coming to PlayStation 4 and Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite coming to Xbox One, PS4, Windows PC,” Penagos said excitedly.

When fans constantly asked when the game was coming out, Insomniac tweeted that the game doesn’t have a release date yet. 

Although the teaser came out last year, it is unclear where the video came from and how old it is. Penagos tweeted a couple weeks ago of a meeting he was at for Spider-Man PS4, but didn’t share any details of the game. James Stephenson, Insomniac’s marketing and community lead, posted on the message board to assure fans that no release date has been scheduled.

“As we’ve always said, no release time frame has been announced,” he said. “Also that clip is not new at all — it’s months old — so don’t connect it with a tweet about a meeting last week.”


The game was in development when Insoniac Games announced it at Sony’s E3 press conference last year. Other than the teaser posted by Insomiac Games, no news has come out for the game. But with the annual E3 conference coming up in June, don’t be surprised if more news breaks out at the press conference.

Are you excited for the release of a PS4-exclusive Spider-Man game? Let us know in the comments below!


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