Just in case you wanted one.
[dropcap size=small]A[/dropcap]ngel Grove High School, the fictional high school in Power Rangers, was given its own website. You can go here to view the website.
The website has some interesting features on it. It has a “student spotlight” page that has an article about Trini, the yellow ranger. There is also a sports page that has an article about Jason Scott, the red ranger. While none of these articles give a lot of information about the characters, it introduces them and gives some small background about them.
More information will coming to the website, most likely involving the other characters, but there is not a lot on there right now. However, this is a great way to interact with fans and set up some of the setting for the movie. It explores some of the more mundane parts of Power Rangers, like their high school lives, that may not be in the movie. How this website will be used moving forward is really interesting and is something to keep an eye on.
Power Rangers is scheduled to be released in theaters March 24, 2017.