Nintendo Confirms ‘Pikmin 4’ is Being Developed and it’s “Close to Completion”



Pikmin will be returning very soon. 

[dropcap size=small]I[/dropcap]n a statement made to Eurogamer, Nintendo’s chief designer Shigeru Miyamoto revealed that Pikmin 4 is in development, and not only that, it’s very nearly finished. 

Back in July 2015, Miyamoto said in an exclusive interview that it was ‘actually very close to completion’. A further statement has since been made by Nintendo on Monday, which reiterated that Pikmin 4 is well under way. 

‘We can confirm that Pikmin 4 is in development but that is all we can confirm at present.’

We have not yet been told what console the next Pikmin instalement will be on, but with development so supposedly close to completion, and with the new, rather elusive console simply known as the NX slated to be ready in 2016, it’s looking very likely that it will be coming to the Wii U. 

With very little information to go on, we’ll just have to let our imaginations do all the work for the time being in-so-far as what new features we can expect to see in the lastest upcoming game in the series. 

The delightful strategy game began its little life on the GameCube back in 2001, with the follow-up Pikmin 2 – which was also on the GameCube – coming out in 2004. After that, we didn’t see a Pikmin game until Pikmin 3, which came out on the Wii U back in 2013 – a long nine years after its predecessor.

Well, we certainly won’t be waiting quite so long for the next one it seems. Hurray!

Pikmin 4 release date TBA.

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