New Spider-Man: Homecoming Behind-The-Scenes Image Surfaces



A New Look At Spider-Man’s New Costume

A new photo of Spider-Mans updated suit in Spider-Man: Homecoming began to circulate online, giving us a behind-the-scenes look at everyone’s friendly neighborhood spider. Currently the source is unknown as to where the image came from, however it seems to be causing a massive thrill within the Spider-Man/Marvel community.

Peter Parker (Tom Holland), receives his brand new high-tech suit from the rich, and sarcastic hero, Tony Stark (Iron Man). Stark is set to play a major role of importance in the upcoming film, similar to the one he played in Captain America: Civil War. Stark’s design of Parker’s new suit comes with many new gadgets – such as an AI that communicates with him that is similar to Iron Man’s J.A.R.V.I.S. The suit also plays a very critical role in Parker’s heroic affairs, however as seen in the trailer, Stark eventually takes the suit back forcing him to revert to his original homemade costume.


While the photo doesn’t reveal too much, it does give us an interesting look at Parker’s costume in a perspective we have had yet to see. We we’re also able to receive a statement from Holland about what he personally likes about the new suit.

“My favorite gizmo that the suit has — there’s a very funny sequence in the movie because of something that he can do with his vision in the suit…He can sort of alter what he sees and how he sees things, and it’s really funny to see. It’s almost like the first time that you play a video game and the controls are all funny, and it’s really funny seeing him look like a badass, but inside panic and really … not know what to do.” – Tom Holland

Spider-Man: Homecoming is showing a lot of promise as the release(July 7, 2017) draws near.  In the upcoming film we will get to see Parker show a new “side of the character not yet seen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe(MCU)”, along with the newly formed relationship between Stark and Parker.  The film is set to make headlines, as well as show what Spider-Man will have to offer in for the next upcoming film Avengers blockbuster, Avengers: Infinity War.

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