Most Requested Features for Destiny Include Facial Hair and Trading



Feedback from Destiny’s Community Wish List show what exactly players want to have implemented into the game.

[dropcap size=small]W[/dropcap]ith every new DLC, Bungie introduces new concepts to Destiny but sometimes everything that players want to see does not make it into the game. The community has a ton of ideas of things that they want to see in the game, like facial hair for Guardians, trading, and transmogrification. All of these ideas and more are now being complied by a Bungie developer Cozmo and put onto the Community Wish List. Although Cozmo can not promise that every suggestion will be implemented into the game, he does say that the Wish List is used so that players know that Bungie is receiving their feedback.

Here are the most frequent community wishes for Destiny as of August 19th:
-Private Crucible Matches
-Gun Skins
-Guardian Facial Hair
-Vault Sorting Options
-Crucible Map Voting
-Expanding Faction Interaction
-Aim Assist Toggle Option
-Rotating Stock on Tower Vendors
-Dismantle Consumable Items
-Additional Matchmaking Options
-Weapon Rebalancing
-Material Stack Size Increase
-Additional Storage/Vault Options
-Player Trading
-More Ghost Skins
-Additional Guardian Customization Options
-Deleted Item Retrieval
-Alternating Spawns During Trials of Osiris
-Add ability to dismantle items from postmaster
-Easier way to use ammo synthesis
-Hardcore playlist with no supers and limited equip

Have a suggestion that you do not see on the list? Head over to Destiny Feedback Forum and let your voice be heard!

The third expansion for DestinyThe Taken King, will hit stores on September 15 for Xbox One and PS4.


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