Morgan Freeman Isn’t Optimistic About ‘Batman vs. Superman’



That feeling when you think someone’s role can’t be replaced by someone else? Definitely the feeling here!

[dropcap size=small]W[/dropcap]e are only a few weeks away from the release of Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice. For the Batman role, Ben Affleck was chosen after former Batman Christian Bale decided to step down from the role. One of his co-workers, Morgan Freeman (played Lucius Fox), doesn’t approve of the new Batman. 

In an interview with ET, Freeman was asked if he would go see the movie. 

“You know, I’m happy for Ben, but I don’t know how that’s gonna work,” Morgan said bluntly.

Morgan elaborated on how The Dark Knight franchise was a big success and the footsteps that Affleck will be following in. 

“The Dark Knight was almost it, you know? Pretty much IT,” he said. “Did you see Batman Begins? I don’t think you can beat that, my feeling.”

As biased as that sounds, Bale did a good job portraying Batman in the three movies that he starred in. Hearing of Freeman’s support of his character, Bale commended Freeman for his comments. 


“Right on for Morgan for saying no one will ever beat that, I very much like him,” Bale smiled when ET informed him of Freeman’s comments at the Knight of Cups premiere on Tuesday.

Even though he’s no longer Batman, Bale is still “looking forward” to see Affleck play the Batman. 

Everyone brings their own element to that — Ben will do that as well,” he said. “I think the trailers are looking great and I’m looking forward to that.”

Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice is set to hit theaters on March 25!



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