Microsoft Says ‘Thanks’ With Free Downloads of ‘Limbo’



[dropcap size=small]S[/dropcap]ome Xbox One gamers have recently said they’ve had a free download of Playdead Studio’s game ‘Limbo’ waiting for them on their accounts. Microsoft confirmed later that they would be thanking Xbox One early adopters with a range of free downloadable content. Not a bad gig if you got your Xbox One near launch. All of the digital handshaking is due to the one year anniversary for the release of Xbox One.

Only Xbox One owners who bought their console before November 11, 2014 in the console’s 13 launch markets who are 17 years or old and have played 10+ hours on Xbox One are eligible. You can find the full list of possible free gifts here.


I’d like to take this opportunity to let people know if they haven’t played Limbo yet…PLAY IT. It’s a fantastic game that provides creepy crawly moments alongside ‘oh my god, I didn’t think that was going to pop out and kill me’ moments, alongside pulling-your-hair-out puzzle moments. It’s also available on Steam and PSN.

That’s all. Happy Gaming!


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