Mega Man Film Coming Soon, Finds Directors



The game that first hit the video game market in 1987 might finally have it’s big screen debut!

[dropcap size=small]I[/dropcap]n 2015, there were rumors that Mega Man might be on his way to being a movie star. Since then, there has yet to be any confirmation that the project is still being worked on. Just recently, 20th Century Fox and Cherin Entertainment have been in talks with Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman to direct the movie.

Joost and Schulman most recently worked together on Paranormal Activity 3 and 4, which were very successful. They brought a different side to Paranormal Activity that we didn’t see in the first two movies. So 20th Century definitely made a good decision in pursuing Joost and Schulman. They also directed Nerve wit

But the reason that this has been taking so long is because 20th Century Fox has been working so long to acquire the rights for Mega Man. Assassin’s Creed was the latest video game movie to come to theaters and safe to say, it did not meet our expectations. But since it’s a well-known character in the gaming world, it’ll still get an audience when (and if) it comes to theaters.

Cherin Entertainment is producing the movie alongside Masi Oka, who played Hiro in Heroes and Heroes Reborn. Oka looks like a good fit for this movie, but we’ll see how it turns out once the movie gets under way. Oka is also producing Netflix’s Death Note, so Mega Man will be his second big producing project of his career.

Are you excited for Mega Man to get a shot on the big screen? Let us know in the comments below!



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