Matt Damon Only has 25 Lines of Dialogue in the Upcoming ‘Jason Bourne’



He remembers everything…But he doesn’t want to talk about it. 

[dropcap size=small]W[/dropcap]hen director Paul Greengrass decided to return to the Bourne franchise many fans could not contain their giddy excitement for the reunion of Matt Damon’s stoic Jason Bourne and the visceral action director. However, this recent news could potentially divide an audience that already endured The Bourne Legacy. In a recent interview with The Guardian (via /Film) it was revealed that Damon’s titular character would only have about 25 lines of dialogue throughout the entirety of the franchise’s latest entry, Jason Bourne.

Julia Stiles returns as Nicky Parsons, one of Jason Bourne’s few allies!

Fear not though, it is a impossibility that this means Damon’s role is limited—it most assuredly means Jason Bourne has become even more psychologically unhinged. If you’ve seen the trailers you’ll know that Jason now remembers “everything,” his narrative arc did not conclude in the original trilogy, he’s got revenge on his mind all over again.

This won’t be akin to Superman’s finite role in Batman v Superman. Think more Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator 2—no time for witty repartee when you’re punching, kicking, and shooting for two hours of screen time.

It is no doubt that Jason Bourne has already entered into the pantheon of cinema badass-ery, thus, fans should prepare themselves for hopefully, another thrill ride.

Jason Bourne hits theaters on July 29. 



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Geek Outpost Head of Public Relations. At the young age of eight, my dad showed me a little film by the name of Pulp Fiction. My mind was blown. From that moment I learned to appreciate film on another level. To put it simply, I love movies.

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