Mad Max Entrance at Comic-Con, No Problem For Conan O’Brien and Andy Richter!



Conan and Andy Richter traveled down Fury Road to get to San Diego Comic-Con!

[dropcap size=small]E[/dropcap]very year, celebrities make their appearance at Comic-Con and they are all very impressive. But Conan O’Brien took his debut entrance to a whole new level. Conan dressed up as the doof warrior, while his partner in crime, Andy Richter, drove the War Rig from Mad Max dressed as Immortan Joe on their way to San Diego Comic-Con.

So what did Conan look like on his ride down to San Diego? 



Yes, that’s Conan rocking that guitar with a flamethrower at the end of it! The huge speakers behind him give you an idea of how loud it was. The Basic Cable Band are playing drums behind the speakers, so at least they will have their hearing when they get to San Diego. As for how the trip goes, I’ll let you watch that in the video below!

Conan wasn’t the only one to make a grand appearance at Comic-Con. Bill Murray also made his debut at Comic-Con to promote his movie, Rock the Kasbah. This movie features Murray as a music manager that takes a teenage singer from Afghanistan into Kabul to compete in a TV show called Afghan Star, which is basically an international version of American Idol. 

Comic-Con is currently in San Diego and lasts until July 12th!




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