Live-Action Gundam Film in the works from Brian K Vaughan and Legendary Pictures

Acclaimed comic writer Brian K Vaughan is partnering with Legendary Pictures to pen the screenplay for a live-action film version of Gundam. 



Brian K Vaughan may not be a name you recognize, but if you do, then you know that we could be in for a major treat as Deadline is reporting that this guy is going to be taking on the live-action Gundam movie.

Best known for his Marvel (X-Men, Spider-Man, Runaways, etc) and DC (Batman: False Faces, Young Justice, etc) work, Vaughan could potentially aid in creating an anime flick that doesn’t… well, suck. Considering he has done stories for many of the major comicbook players in the industry (including Dark Horse, Image, and Vertigo as well), he is not a bad choice to take on the giant mech-suit anime series. Plus, the dude also was a writer for LOST for a few years. So yeah, he has quite the stacked resume.

Apparently this film will be focused on the Mobile Suit Gundam storyline (as opposed to Gundam Wing), though we do not know much about the direction this series can take. But listen, I get what you are thinking if you have read this far. “Another anime live-action movie? This is gonna suck”. Normally, I would be right there with you, sharing the same thoughts. But after seeing the first Pacific Rim, I feel it can be done well. Hell, if they would just change the dialogue and story of Pacific Rim a bit, that would be a damn near perfect Gundam movie (except they don’t fight giant aliens in Gundam, that is more of a Voltron thing). But then we got the sequel that never should have been.

Anyway, I have been on board with a Gundam movie ever since Pacific Rim, so if we can get a writer like BKV attached to helm the screenplay and story, then I am totally game.

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Marc is the Editor in Chief for Geek Outpost. If you have an inside scoop you want to share, you can email him at [email protected]. He prefers Crocs for their style over their comfort.

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