Kevin Feige May Already Know Who Will Play the Fantastic Four, Says it Won’t be Announced Any Time Soon

Sounds like fans will have to wait a little longer before getting any news on who will suit up in the third iteration of the Fantastic 4.



Marvel Studios’ Black Widow solo flick is set to debut in theaters and streaming services in exactly one week. And while there is much to look forward to in seeing Natasha kick ass on her own, fans are still wondering about other superheroes that have yet to make their MCU debut, namely the Fantastic Four.

Earlier this week, Marvel Studios held their first major Red Carpet event for Black Widow, the next film to debut in the MCU. During which, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige was asked directly about the inclusion of the Fantastic Four- a movie that has officially been announced but without a release date or any confirmed casting details, despite rumors. Here is what he had to say when asked about the F4:

“I don’t think it’s soon. This [the Black Widow premiere] is our first red carpet event in two years.

We’ll see what happens with upcoming gatherings and fan events where we can release more news. I hope sometime in the near future.”

The Fantastic Four has been confirmed to be in development by Marvel Studios but all we have to show for it is the official logo. That, and Spider-Man trilogy director Jon Watts will be helming.

This makes sense from a strictly business standpoint- why draw attention to another franchise prematurely when you are trying to promote something that is coming out within the next week? And sure, it is very likely that Feige already knows will play the F4, at least that it is what it sounds like from the carefully crafted response he made on the subject. But Marvel Studios knows what they are doing and has made very few missteps, at least when it comes to the big screen, so being cautious when they announce or confirm anything is paramount, all things considered.

Now here is the thing- while we do not know who would be cast in the movie to play the lead roles (personally would love to see John Krasinski as Reed Richards, Emily Blunt as Susan Storm), we do know that Jon Watts is getting his feet wet by directing the Fantastic Four right after he wraps up his Spider-Man trilogy with Far From Home (he directed the first two as well, and co-wrote Homecoming). This leads us to believe that while not every single character yet to be introduced into the MCU via the Multiverse, there is some connection considering Watts will play an integral role with it in the third Spidey flick. That is just an assumption though, so take that as you will.

All we know is that Marvel Studios is doing some great work with its heroes and Kevin Feige has our utmost respect for how he has handled things so far. And with Jon Watts taking on the F4, we aren’t too worried about whether or not the movie will meet our expectations. After all, 2015’s FANT4STIC by Josh Trank set the bar so low, the only way to go is up.

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Marc is the Editor in Chief for Geek Outpost. If you have an inside scoop you want to share, you can email him at [email protected]. He prefers Crocs for their style over their comfort.

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