There are currently 2,277 supporters and counting.
[dropcap size=small]E[/dropcap]ven after his crazy antics of getting arrested for being drunk in public and his rather odd ‘Just Do It!’ semi-motivational video the one and only Shia LaBeouf still has a fan base. With no actor announced for the role of the Red Hood in the upcoming solo Batman film starring Ben Affleck it seems fans of both Shia LaBeouf and DC’s Red Hood saw an opportunity and took it.

Shia LaBeouf apparently almost made it into the DC Extended Universe before being shot down by Warner Bros. In an interview with Variety the young actor said he was gunning for a role in Suicide Squad after making sure that he allegedly had his life in order but unfortunately for him Warner Bros. turned him away.
“I don’t think Warner Bros. wanted me. I went in to meet, and they were like, ‘Nah, you’re crazy. You’re a good actor, but not this one.’ It was a big investment for them.”
Maybe if there are enough signatures on the petition Warner Bros. might give Shia LaBeouf a chance for a shot at redemption. The actor has shown that he can certainly act with his role in films like Holes and Disturbia. If you think Shia LaBeouf has what it takes to play the role of the murderous vigilante you can go here and sign the petition.