Jena Malone’s Role In ‘Batman vs Superman’ May Have Been Revealed



Director Zach Snyder revealed Malone’s role in an interview, but how significant will it be in the upcoming Batman vs. Superman movie?

[dropcap size=small]W[/dropcap]ith Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice release less than two weeks away, Zach Snyder revealed another character in the movie in an interview with EW. Jena Malone is set to play Barbara Gordan (AKA Batgirl.) Unfortunately, she was cut from the theatrical version of the movie. Snyder’s comments in the interview seemed to deny her role in the movie.

“She’s definitely not Robin or Batgirl.”

But that doesn’t mean her role was all for nothing. Earlier in February, Warner Brothers announced that they would release an R-Rated version of the movie, which should include Malone’s role as Barbara Gordan. With Snyder’s comments, this just means that we won’t see her suiting up to fight alongside Batman for this movie. It could, however, play a part that sets her up to become Batgirl in a future film. Perhaps the solo Batman movie that’s scheduled to come out in 2018? I wouldn’t rule it out! 

If more proof is needed to confirm her casting, An official survey was sent out to employees of Warner Brothers, proving her role in the movie as Barbara Gordan. 


The survey was found and shared on Reddit by user katniss_everjeans (awesome username!) It shows all the main characters in the movie that are confirmed by the employees. As you can see, Jena Malone is confirmed as Barbara Gordan in the movie. Just recently, the Justice League movie just cast J.K. Simmons as Commissioner Gordan, which means that this could be a build-up for her role in the Justice League movie as either Batgirl or even Oracle, who are both important female roles in the Justice League. With Marvel already having Black Widow, Scarlett Witch and Jessica Jones already introduced, it’s time for DC to bring in not only Wonder Woman, but Batgirl as well into the fold!

Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice will be released on March 25th, less than two weeks away!


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