JJ Abrams gave away some details on the upcoming Star Wars films in a recent interview with Wired.com.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens is just around the corner and in a recent interview with Wired.com, JJ Abrams had much to say about the film franchise. JJ Abrams talked a lot about what to potentially expect in the upcoming films as well as dropped some information on the writing of the 8th installment of the Star Wars series.
Before he got into any of the future movie shenanigans, Abrams expressed his excitement for the release of the upcoming film. Abrams referred to the Star Wars film as a cake (weird) and that “we’ve been baking this cake for a long time, and now it’s time to serve it.” Not sure how I feel about the metaphor, but Star Wars fans are definitely in for a treat with the new movie (pun intended). Abrams also had much to say about the movie’s plot strategy. Being a sequel to the films, Abrams has some pretty big shoes to fill and he knows that a number of expectations have been set for the film. That being said, Abrams claimed that “we wanted to tell a story that had its own self-contained beginning, middle, and end but at the same time, like A New Hope, implied a history that preceded it and also hinted at a future to follow.” This is great news for Star Wars fans because ideally this means that Star Wars history will potentially be accurate and the film will set up for some future films as well. Past and future Star Wars films will always have fan predictions and crazy plot twists, but Abrams also said that the only expectation was that “the movie needed to be delightful.”
Abrams went on to say the the 8th film’s script had already been written as well. Although Abrams also said that “rewrites were endless as they always are,” he also said that “Larry [Kasdan] and I did set up certain key relationships, certain key questions, and conflicts.” Abrams is said to already be in cahoots with Rian and Ram Bergman who will be producing the 8th film. Abrams goes on to talk more about the strategic casting he chose given that he had to choose a cast that would last three or more movies. Abrams compares his casting goals to that of the Harry Potter film franchise. He says “that’s unbelievable that they cast those films the way they did.” Abrams recognized Rowling’s ability to cast characters for all 8 films and hopes that he can have similar success and consistency in casting for the all of the upcoming Star Wars films.
Although Abrams didn’t give away any super juicy details on the film, fans can walk away knowing that there is more to come with Star Wars and that Abrams is doing one hell of a job doing so. Star Wars: The Force Awakens is set to release on December 18th so be sure to grab your tickets while you still can.