Injustice 2 has a Unique RPG-Style Gear/Loot Drop System



This system will help making the playing field between characters even!

[dropcap size=small]I[/dropcap]njustice 2 already released the character lineup for the game. But NetherRealm Studios released the Gear System, something not a lot of fans are familiar with.

With the Gear System, it offers equal playing field between players. If you play the game a lot, your level will raise. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that you will defeat everyone that opposes you. Designer John Edwards explains how the Gear System works: 

 “Even for the competitive modes where we allow stats to be active, both players have the option to disable that stuff,” he explained. And what if one of the players don’t disable the stat boosts? “What we do is, we automatically boost up the lower-level character’s base stats to the same level as the higher-level character.”

But if this happens, the lower-level player doesn’t automatically get gear boosts:

But the gear does not get boosted, so the player who has invested a lot of time in building up the gear for their level 20 character will still have better stats, better abilities than the level one character does. But it won’t be to such an extreme that the lower-level character has no chance.

Essentially we have lots of ways in the game to make sure that [gear] does not become an issue.

Injustice 2: Base Stats

Every playable character, hero, and villain has four base stats which include strength, defense, health, and ability. Strength refers to the damage dealt when landing normal attacks; defense, the ability to withstand hits; health, on how long they can take hits; and ability, the damage of special attacks.

Aside from the four base stats, each character would start with five pieces of certain stock gears attached to their head, torso, legs, arms, and a specific item. Some of these serve only as a cosmetic item for the characters which would change their appearance every time a different one is placed.


Injustice 2: Gears

However, as players progress through the game, these gears would provide the characters with unique attributes, depending on the description given. Some will buff only one of the four base stats that the characters posses.

Meanwhile, in rare occasions, players can obtain top quality gear that would boost all four stats at once. Furthermore, collecting all the gears from a single gear set would provide another bonus depending on the character.


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