[dropcap size=small]W[/dropcap]olverine may have died recently in Marvel’s Death of Wolverine comic run, but he is alive and well in Fox’s X-Men film series, where Hugh Jackman is set to reprise his role as Logan. However, it is unclear whether his next appearance will be in a third Wolverine solo film or X-Men: Apocalypse.
Jackman has appeared in every film in the X-Men franchise, even if for just one scene in X-Men: First Class. Apocalypse is going to focus on the mutants featured in First Class, including Magneto, Charles Xavier, and Mystique along with newcomers Jean Grey and Cyclops; so it remains to be seen if Wolverine will help them battle against the ancient mutant Apocalypse.

Jackman was a guest on Josh Horowitz’s Happy Sad Confused podcast and was asked about his possible involvement in Apocalypse and remained cryptic:
“I have been speaking to the guys, and I’m not at liberty to tell exactly what’s going on, which is largely framing my answer here. But there’s still a lot unknown about that, actually. There are some very exciting things about integrating the whole X-Men world, including the Wolverine movie. There’s some really cool things going on.”
Without Jackman explicitly saying so, it seems like a safe bet that he will be back for Apocalypse, but he will definitely return in another standalone Wolverine film. 2013’s The Wolverine was very well received in comparison to X-Men Origins: Wolverine (featuring Deadpool, the Merc With(out) a Mouth). In regards to the next Wolverine movie, Jackman is “very, very excited about that,” while he and writer David James Kelly are currently “working on it really hard.”
In addition to Apocalypse and another Wolverine film, the X-Men universe will see a Deadpool movie in 2016, and there have been rumors of an X-Men/Fantastic Four crossover taking place after the latter franchise’s reboot next year.
Do you want to see Wolverine in the next X-Men film? Let us know in the comments!
X-Men: Apocalypse hits theaters on May 27, 2016.